Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Family Essay Personnal free essay sample

When I was younger, the only word I used to describe my family was annoying. But through out the years I have learned that family is something special, and is with you through out your whole life. I was brought up having two older sisters, Sarah and Chelsey, but Ive always wanted a little brother or sister. Yet, I love having the house to myself, since my sisters moved out. My oldest sister, Chelsey, has a twelve year age difference over mine. Shes a city girl, and this summer will be her tenth year living in Philadelphia. She loves art, and majored in design in college. My other sister, Sarah, goes to West Chester University. Shes in her third year and majoring in communications. Were the most alike, but fight constantly, especially over sharing the same bathroom. My dad is an artist, and is really free spirited. We will write a custom essay sample on Family Essay Personnal or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He loves what he does, and hates being serious. My mom is usually the more strict one, and she makes a lot of the decisions. She traveled everywhere when she was a child, due to my grandfather being a colonel in the army, and was able to live in Germany, England, China, and even Canada. Most of my family lives in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I have two close cousins there, and my aunt and uncle, along with my grandparents and other relatives. We usually go down once or twice a year and visit for about half a month. Its my favorite place to be. Im the youngest in my family, and I love it. My parents are more lenient with me, and I have two older sisters i can go to for advice if I need it. Over all, Im pretty close with my family, and even through all our arguments, we still manage. Family Essay Personnal free essay sample When I was younger, the only word I used to describe my family was annoying. But through out the years I have learned that family is something special, and is with you through out your whole life. I was brought up having two older sisters, Sarah and Chelsey, but Ive always wanted a little brother or sister. Yet, I love having the house to myself, since my sisters moved out. My oldest sister, Chelsey, has a twelve year age difference over mine. Shes a city girl, and this summer will be her tenth year living in Philadelphia. She loves art, and majored in design in college. My other sister, Sarah, goes to West Chester University. Shes in her third year and majoring in communications. Were the most alike, but fight constantly, especially over sharing the same bathroom. My dad is an artist, and is really free spirited. We will write a custom essay sample on Family Essay Personnal or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He loves what he does, and hates being serious. My mom is usually the more strict one, and she makes a lot of the decisions. She traveled everywhere when she was a child, due to my grandfather being a colonel in the army, and was able to live in Germany, England, China, and even Canada. Most of my family lives in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I have two close cousins there, and my aunt and uncle, along with my grandparents and other relatives. We usually go down once or twice a year and visit for about half a month. Its my favorite place to be. Im the youngest in my family, and I love it. My parents are more lenient with me, and I have two older sisters i can go to for advice if I need it. Over all, Im pretty close with my family, and even through all our arguments, we still manage.

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